Rozanne van der Merwe: MD Ogilvy Namibia
Gaining perspective
Life is fraught with opportunities, it’s our duty to find them, experience them and learn from them. The year 2019 presented us with extreme “adjustments”, something our client service team at the agency is all too familiar with in the form of ‘amendment briefs’.
It was a bumpy beginning when we kicked off 2019, however with a pack of passion, teamwork & trusted clients, we managed to get over the very dry hill. If ever I thought my six years old was the master of pressing buttons to get her way, I was sadly mistaken, 2019 definitely scoops the prize at that!
Despite the rough beginning, we still had some extremely good and refreshing highlights namely; new brand acquisitions, #AvaniWindhoekHotel&Casino #Nammed #NamPost #NedbankNamibia #PupkewitzHaval, a few new kids to the block, that we are confident are going to leave our client purring with joy. With that 2020 seems to be even more promising on the talent front (watch out!).
Personally, one thing that I’ve definitely gained over the past year, is perspective & gratitude. Most of us find it difficult to look differently at a situation, either because we are too anxious, or just because we are not ready to accept the truth. The key to shifting perspective is to remember what you’re targeting and sticking to your guns.
We often get discouraged in the knowledge that some things might never change, or everything is fixed. But no matter what we do, there are lessons to be learned and unless we embrace this journey (our journey), we will never really feel that we’ve achieved enough.
I am thankful for working with some of the best creatives in the industry, I am thankful to mentors guiding and supporting me when times were tough, I am thankful to suppliers going the extra mile (every time) even when it seemed impossible. I am thankful for our families at home (accepting that advertising is real), to our clients, for trusting us in making brands matter. But most of all, I am thankful for working in an industry where we can inspire and change the way people think.
10 lessons I learned in 2019
Exercising is good for you, and it’s never too late to start.
It’s ok to have a Gin and Tonic whenever you feel like it.
Coffee is the start and ends of the day unless you’re English.
Listening to business is vital.
Agriculture and Tourism in Namibia is key to the growth of our country’s economy, let’s protect it.
Sport is a national language #GoBokke #ProudOfYouWelwitchias
You cannot be everything to everyone, & it’s ok.
Making an extra effort with family is so worth it!
Staying positive is not a myth.
Always start with why you’ll gain enough insight to handle any situation.
As we close our doors on the 13th of December, we say goodbye to a challenging year, that left some good lessons but we look forward to a year of new opportunities and more lessons.